Urban Immersion Ministry
The Urban Immersion Program is meant to serve as an outlet for those who are called to use existing talents to serve under-resourced people in the inner city. In this ministry, the skills or talents you share are the tools that allow you to draw close to your neighbors and earn the right to speak into their lives for their benefit. Effective inner-city missionaries are often those that attract others as a result of simply sharing life lives with them.
Christmas Eve Walk
Every year on December 24th we hold our Christmas Eve Walk. On this day, we go out into the community to offer food, coats, and toys to our neighbors in need. The work starts in the months leading up to the 24th when we gather donations of non-perishable food items, new and gently-used coats, and toys for the children. Then, on Christmas Eve, volunteers from neighboring churches join us in knocking on doors in the community and offering these things, free of charge, to those in need. Sometimes the people we meet have no physical needs, but they just would like us to pray for them. Whether or not we give them something, our neighbors often feel loved and encouraged just by the fact that someone cared enough to knock on their door and ask.

Children's Ministry
Every Sunday the children are divided by grades into "Sunday School" classes. From toddler through 8th grade each student receives individual and group instruction in Biblical stories. Because of their love and dedication for the Lord Jesus Christ, volunteers are the teachers in this ministry and offer personal time and resources in the effort to train children in the ways of the Lord. Your children will enjoy the fun, food, and fellowship in their class!
Girls Club
Volunteers lead the young ladies from 4th to 8th grade of the Mission Church in a bi-monthly gathering on Sunday afternoons. Activities that include crafts making, singing, eating, and Bible Studies are designed to lead them into a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The friendship and fellowship that is enjoyed by this group will warm your heart when you experience it!
Worship Team
The lead worshipers comprise the Worship Team at Mission Church. A blend of contemporary Christian music and the old hymns set to keyboards, drums and guitars. We believe that it is the responsibility of the believer and an act of obedience to God Almighty when we praise and worship Him. Please join us in worshiping Him!
Laundry Room Ministry
The Laundry Room Ministry is an extension of our benevolent hand in the community. We are able to supply free clothing – coats, shirts, pants, diapers, toiletries, etc.-- to those in immediate need. The Laundry Room is re-supplied by the generous acts of individuals in the tri-state area. Because of our inner-city location, Mission Church regularly has "drop in" homeless and transient people with immediate needs for food and clothing items.
Food Ministry
At our building on Cass Street, we share a food ministry with our sister organization, Heart of the City Mission Foundation. This includes a food pantry with non-perishable items that are donated throughout the year. We also distribute the perishable items that we pick up from local restaurants every week. This food is given away on Sunday mornings after our 9:30 a.m. church service or anytime a specific need presents itself. Our annual Christmas Eve Walk is another opportunity we take advantage of to give this food to neighbors in need. Please come enjoy a continental breakfast with us on Sunday mornings from 8:30 to 9:20 and then join us for the worship service at 9:30.
Bicycle Ministry
Mission Church’s sister organization, Heart of the City Mission Foundation, also runs the bicycle ministry from our shared facility on Cass Street. This ministry offers free repairs to those in need, and people can even earn a bike through participation in community volunteer projects or by assisting with bicycle repairs. Through this ministry, a significant number of inner-city and homeless folks have been trained to repair bicycles in the on-site bike shop. Also available are periodic repair classes for interested adults, students, and teenagers in the juvenile corrections system. Feel free to stop by and check it out on Friday mornings, between 9:00 a.m. and noon. Use door 3 off the north parking lot.